Work and traineeships at EU institutions
The Swedish Government has assigned the Swedish Council for Higher education (UHR) to inform about the opportunities to work or attend a traineeship within the EU institutions. We also inform about the recruitment process for permanent jobs within the EU.

UHR provides seminars where we inform about EU institutions, the recruitment process and about the open competitions that are required to apply for permanent jobs. We also inform about how a good application for the traineeships offered by EU institutions should be phrased. Target groups are students in higher education and people already in work.
In addition to seminars, UHR also organises training for Swedish citizens prior to the EU’s open competitions. This is partly classroom training for the computer-based test (CBT), but also training via the web, in groups and individual coaching.
Prior to the application period for traineeships, we offer writing workshops to which Swedish citizens can come for help with their application.
UHR’s activities in the area of EU recruitment take place in both Stockholm and Brussels. If there is enough interest we may also organise activities in other cities in Sweden.
Most other member states in the EU offer similar support for their citizens. The European Personnel Selection Offices (EPSO) can provide more information on what institution to turn to in the different countries. Also, the EPSO website has information and training materials for everyone interested in working within the EU’s institutions.
The European Personnel Selection Offices (EPSO) website
You are welcome to contact UHR if you have questions about our activities relating to EU recruitment. You can get in touch with us via this e-mail address: concours(at)