Working in another EU/EEA country

UHR is Sweden's assistance centre for the Professional Qualifications Directive. This means that you can contact us if you want to work in another EU/EEA country and have questions regarding your professional qualifications.

What is the Professional Qualifications Directive?

The Professional Qualifications Directive (Directive 2005/36/EC as amended in 2013/55/EU) contains regulations that make it easier for individuals to work in a regulated profession in an EU/EEA country. A profession is regulated when, according to Swedish law, you must have some form of licensing or authorisation in order to practice that profession in Sweden. Nursing and dentistry are examples of professions that are regulated in all of the EU/EEA countries. 

How do I work in my profession abroad?

In order to work in regulated professions in an EU/EEA country, you must apply for a permit from the competent authority, that is, the authority in the country that examines if a person has the right to practice that profession.

The directive applies to both those who wish to be self-employed and those who wish to accept a position. There are even regulations that make it easier for a person who wishes to work temporarily in another EU/EEA country. 

In Sweden, the website is the national contact point where all competent authorities post information on the respective professions.  

Assistance Centre

 Please contact us if you have any questions. As an assistance centre, we can answer your questions if you wish to work in a regulated profession in Sweden or another EU/EEA country. We can also answer questions about the directive that regulates professions, the Professional Qualifications Directive. 

Working in a regulated profession in Sweden

You apply for the right to work in a regulated profession with the public authority responsible for that profession in Sweden. 

There are approximately 40 regulated professions in Sweden.
List of regulated professions and responsible authorities 

Work in another EU/EEA country

If you wish to work in another EU/EEA country where your profession is regulated, you must have your qualifications (education and professional experience) officially recognised before you can start working. 

If you're going to start working in another country, you sometimes need a written certification from Sweden which indicates that your Swedish degree meets certain requirements. UHR can issue this type of written certification for you. Apply for a certificate for working abroad (In Swedish).

For some professions, you can apply for a European Professional Card (EPC). Read more about EPC and how you apply.

You can search in the EU's database of regulated professions. 

EU countries have different regulated professions

The way that other EU countries regulate professions can vary.

List of regulated professions and responsible authorities in other EU/EEA countries.

You can also find a host of practical information on the EU's web portal Your Europe

Last updated: 17 November 2022