Diploma supplement for a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education (UHRFS 2013:5)

Statute Book of the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHRFS) No. 2013:5, Annex.

Issued 17 April 2013.

This translation is for information purposes only and has no legal force. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.

1. Personal details for the individual to whom the degree certificate has been awarded

1.1 Surname

1.2 Forename

1.3 Civic registration number or coordination number

2. Information about qualified and relevant professional or vocational expertise

In connection with admission to the programme that leads to the award of a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education, xxx (give the name of the higher education institution that has assessed the specific entry requirements) has assessed that the applicant possesses the qualified and relevant professional or vocational expertise on which the specific entry requirements were based, pursuant to Section 4 of the Ordinance on Admission to Programmes that lead to the Award of a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education (2010:2021), and the regulations issued by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet), on the qualified and relevant professional or vocational expertise for specific entry requirements to programmes that lead to the award of a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education (UHRFS 2013:4) in the following professional or vocational subject(s):

Subject A

Subject B


This ordinance comes into effect on 1 June 2013.

Last updated: 23 February 2023