Annex 3


/Ceases to apply: 13 November 2024/

This annex contains, pursuant to the stipulation in the second paragraph of Section 13 and the first paragraph of Section 18 of Chapter 7, certain provisions relating to the allocation of places on the basis of grades and how grades are to be evaluated.

In this annex references to final school grades from upper-secondary education with regard to the allocation of places on the basis of grades also include grades from Europaskolan (European baccalaureate) and programmes leading to the award of an International Baccalaureate.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may otherwise issue regulations on the credit value of grades from Europaskolan (European baccalaureate) and programmes leading to the award of an International Baccalaureate and also how grades of this kind shall be weighted. Ordinance (2012:712).

Allocation of places on the basis of grades

1. During selection on the basis of grades pursuant to item 1 of the first paragraph of Section 13 of Chapter 7 places shall be allocated in relation to the number of eligible applicants in a qualification group divided into I and II and also in a folk high school group as follows.

Qualification Group:

I. applicants with

  • grades from upper-secondary school,
  • grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level if at least two-thirds of the upper-secondary credits have been attained in such programmes and courses, and
  • grades from upper-secondary vocational programmes that led to the award of a vocational qualification combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level that awarded the basic entry requirements for courses and programmes beginning in the first cycle

II. applicants with

  • grades from upper-secondary school combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level or combined with grades from tests in the upper-secondary school by those who are not pupils there or, in the case of grades from upper-secondary vocational programmes that led to the award of a vocational qualification, combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level that awarded more than the basic entry requirements for courses and programmes beginning in the first cycle, if the grades attained in adult education or from tests in the upper-secondary school either together or separately constitute less than two-thirds of the upper-secondary credits, and
  • grades from upper-secondary school or adult education at upper-secondary level combined with documented study results under the Ordinance on (2018:1519) on Higher Education Access Programmes or combined with certificates pursuant to the Ordinance on Access Programmes for Qualification for Higher Education (2007:432) or combined with documented study results from folk high schools.

Folk High School Group:

applicants with progress reports from folk high schools.

2. Once places have been allocated to the respective categories, the number of places in each qualification group shall be allocated in proportion to the number of qualified applicants in Group I and in Group II. The number of places in Group II shall then be reduced by one-third. This proportion shall be added to Group I.

2a. During selection for programmes beginning after 31 May 2014 and before 1 June 2017 applicants with school-leaving certificates from upper-secondary education shall also be placed in a special group. Applicants with school-leaving certificates from upper-secondary education shall not be included in the figures used to calculate the allocation of places to I. In allocating places the special group of applicants with school-leaving certificates from upper-secondary education and the other qualification groups shall be allocated places according to the principles on the allocation of places laid down in 1 above.

The number of places that should pursuant to 2 above be allocated to I shall instead be divided between I and the special group of applicants with school-leaving certificates from upper-secondary education in relation to the number of qualified applicants in the two groups.

Grade tariffs

3. The assessment of qualifications shall take place in two stages. First tariff values shall be allocated for the grades submitted by the applicant to meet the entry requirements and the grades from weighted courses that pursuant to Section 7 are to be evaluated pursuant to 4 and 5.
Then credit shall be added for weighted courses.

Applicants with school leaving certificates from the upper-secondary school

Numerical values

4. Grades included in courses that form part of a programme in the upper-secondary school shall be ascribed the following numerical values:



F 0
E 10,0
D 12.5
C 15,0
B 17.5
A 20,0

Course values

5. The numerical values for each grade from a course shall be multiplied by the number of upper-secondary credits for which the grade is awarded to yield the course value.

When calculating course values, grades from a course shall be replaced by a grade attained by the applicant for the same course or a corresponding one if the latter is higher and comprises the same number of upper-secondary credits.

Aggregate course values and grade average

6. The aggregate course value of all the grades included in a complete programme from the upper-secondary school shall be divided by 2,400 to yield the grade average.

The grade average shall be given to two decimal places.

Grades from qualifying or weighted courses

7. Grades from courses which do not form part of a complete programme in the upper-secondary school shall be assessed as laid down in 4 and 5 above if the courses

  1. are required to meet the general entry requirements for higher education courses and programmes that begin in the first cycle
  2. are qualifying courses pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 7, or
  3. are weighted courses pursuant to Section 18 of Chapter 7 and awarded credit increments pursuant to 8 below.

In order to calculate the grade average instead of what is stipulated in 6 above the aggregate course value shall be divided by the total number of upper-secondary credits on which the calculation is based.

Credit increments

8. After the grade average has been calculated grades in the weighted courses specified in Section 18 of Chapter 7 shall be accredited as credit increments.

A maximum of two and a half (2.5) credit increments may be added to the grade average, of which no more than one and a half (1.5) credit increments may refer to a modern language subject and the subject Swedish sign language for hearing people, no more than one (1.0) credit increment for the subject English and no more than one and a half (1.5) credit increments may be for the subject mathematics.

The following credit increments are provided by grades from weighted courses:

a) the grade of E or higher in Modern Languages 3, or Swedish sign language for hearing people, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5)

b) the grade of E or higher in Modern Languages 4, or Swedish sign language for hearing people, earns a credit increment of one (1.0)

c) the grade of E or higher in Modern Languages 5, or Swedish sign language for hearing people, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5)

d) the grade of E or higher in Modern Languages 2, in an additional language or in Swedish sign language for hearing people 2, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5) if the applicant is entitled to credit increments for a course in Modern Languages pursuant to (b)

e) the grade of E or higher in Modern Languages 2,earns a credit increment of one half (0.5) if the applicant is entitled to credit increments for a course in Swedish sign language for hearing people pursuant to (b)

f) the grade of E or higher in the course English 7, earns a credit increment of one (1.0)

g) the grade of E or higher in a course in the subject of Mathematics from a course above the level required by the specific entry requirements as laid down in Sections 8—11 of Chapter 7 or, if no such requirements have been specified, the level above that specified pursuant to items 1 & 2 of the first paragraph of Section 5 of Chapter 7 as a general entry requirement, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5) if the applicant has not already been awarded a credit increment pursuant to (g)

h) the grade of E or higher in a course in the subject of Mathematics from a course above the level required pursuant to (g) earns a credit increment of one half (0.5) if the applicant has not already been awarded a credit increment pursuant to (h)

i) the grade of E or higher in a course in the subject of Mathematics from a course above the level specified in (h) earns a credit increment of one half (0.5) if the applicant has not already been awarded a credit increment pursuant to (i)

j) in addition to the credit increments laid down in g, h or i, the grade of E or higher in Mathematics 5, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5)

k) the grade of E or higher in the course Mathematics - specialisation on at least the course level required by the specific entry requirements laid down in Sections 8—11 of Chapter 7 or, if no such requirements have been specified, the level immediately above that specified in items 1 & 2 of the first paragraph of Section 5 of Chapter 7 as a general entry requirement earns a credit increment of one half (0.5).

Applicants with final grades from adult education at upper-secondary level

9. The provisions laid down in 4, 5, 7 and 8 above also apply for applicants with final grades from adult education at upper-secondary level.

In order to calculate a grade average the aggregate course value shall be divided by the number of upper-secondary credits included in the final grades, however no less than 2,300.

Ordinance (2023:83)

/Enters into effect: 13 November 2024/


This annex contains, pursuant to the stipulation in the second paragraph of Section 13 and the first paragraph of Section 18 of Chapter 7, certain provisions relating to the allocation of places on the basis of grades and how grades are to be evaluated.
In this annex references to final school grades from upper-secondary education with regard to the allocation of places on the basis of grades also include grades from Europaskolan (European baccalaureate) and programmes leading to the award of an International Baccalaureate.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may otherwise issue regulations on the credit value of grades from Europaskolan (European baccalaureate) and programmes leading to the award of an International Baccalaureate and also how grades of this kind shall be weighted.

Allocation of places on the basis of grades 

1. During selection on the basis of grades pursuant to item 1 of the first paragraph of Section 13 of Chapter 7 places shall be allocated in relation to the number of eligible applicants in a qualification group divided into I and II and also in a folk high school group as follows.

Qualification Group:

I. applicants with

  • grades from upper-secondary school,
  • grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level if at least two-thirds of the upper-secondary credits have been attained in such programmes and courses, and
  • grades from upper-secondary vocational programmes that led to the award of a vocational qualification combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level that awarded the basic entry requirements for courses and programmes beginning in the first cycle

II. applicants with 

  • grades from upper-secondary school combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level or combined with grades from tests in the upper-secondary school by those who are not pupils there or, in the case of grades from upper-secondary vocational programmes that led to the award of a vocational qualification, combined with grades from local authority adult education at upper-secondary level that awarded more than the basic entry requirements for courses and programmes beginning in the first cycle, if the grades attained in adult education or from tests in the upper-secondary school either together or separately constitute less than two-thirds of the upper-secondary credits, and
  • grades from upper-secondary school or adult education at upper-secondary level combined with documented study results under the Ordinance on (2018:1519) on Higher Education Access Programmes or combined with certificates pursuant to the Ordinance on Access Programmes for Qualification for Higher Education (2007:432) or combined with documented study results from folk high schools.

Folk High School Group:

applicants with progress reports from folk high schools.

2. Once places have been allocated to the respective categories, the number of places in each qualification group shall be allocated in proportion to the number of qualified applicants in Group I and in Group II.

The number of places in Group II shall then be reduced by one-third. This proportion shall be added to Group I.

Grade tariffs

3. The assessment of qualifications shall take place in two stages. First tariff values shall be allocated for the grades submitted by the applicant to meet the entry requirements and the grades at such particularly meritorious levels that pursuant to Section 7 are to be evaluated pursuant to 4 and 5. Then credit for the levels that are particularly meritorious according to Section 8 shall be added.

Applicants with school leaving certificates from the upper-secondary school

Numerical values

4. Grades included in courses that form part of a programme in the upper-secondary school shall be ascribed the following numerical values:

Grade Numerical value
F 0
E 10.0
D 12.5
C 15.0
B 17.5
A 20.0


Course values

5. The numerical values for each grade from a course shall be multiplied by the number of upper-secondary credits for which the grade is awarded to yield the course value.

When calculating course values, grades from a subject shall be replaced by a grade attained by the applicant for the same subject or a corresponding one, if the latter grade refers to the corresponding level in the subject and has a higher numerical value and includes at least the same number of upper-secondary credits. When a grade is replaced by another grade, the latter grade must be given the same scope as the grade being replaced.

Aggregate course values and grade average

6. The aggregate course value of all the grades in those subjects on those levels that are included in a complete programme from the upper-secondary school shall be divided by 2,400 to yield the grade average.

The grade average shall be given to two decimal places.

Grades from subjects on levels that are qualifying or particularly meritorious

7. Grades from subjects on levels which do not form part of a complete programme in the upper-secondary school shall be assessed as laid down in 4 and 5 above if the levels 

  1. are required to meet the general entry requirements for higher education courses and programmes that begin in the first cycle,
  2. are required to meet the entry requirements pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 7, or
  3. are particularly meritorious levels pursuant to Section 18 of Chapter 7 and awarded credit increments pursuant to 8 below.

In order to calculate the grade average, instead of doing what is stipulated in 6 above, the aggregate course value shall be divided by the total number of upper-secondary credits on which the calculation is based.

Credit increments

8. After the grade average has been calculated approved grades in the particularly meritorious levels specified in Section 18 of Chapter 7 shall be accredited as credit increments.

A maximum of two and a half (2.5) credit increments may be added to the grade average, of which no more than one and a half (1.5) credit increments may refer to a modern language subject and the subject Swedish sign language for hearing people, no more than one (1.0) credit increment for English and no more than one and a half (1.5) credit increments may be for the subject mathematics, mathematics - continuation, mathematics - advanced, mathematics - specialisation B and mathematics - specialisation C.

Approved grades on levels that are particularly meritorious give credit increments according to the following:

a) level 1 in Modern Languages - continuation, or level 1 in Swedish sign language for hearing people, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5)

b) level 2 in Modern Languages - continuation, or level 2 in Swedish sign language for hearing people, earns a credit increment of one (1.0), if the level referred to in a constitutes a requirement for specific entry requirements, and otherwise one and a half (1.5) credit increments,

c) level 1 in Modern Languages - advanced, or level 1 in Swedish sign language for hearing people - advanced, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5),

d) level 1 in Modern Languages - basic in an additional language or level 1 in Swedish sign language for hearing people - basic, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5), if the applicant is entitled to credit increments for Modern Languages pursuant to (b),

e) level 1 in Modern Languages - basic, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5), if the applicant is entitled to credit increments for Swedish sign language for hearing people - continuation pursuant to (b),

f) level 3 in English, earns a credit increment of one (1.0),

g) level 2 in Mathematics, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5),

h) level 1 in Mathematics – continuation, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5),

i) level 2 in Mathematics – continuation, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5), if the level referred to in h constitutes a requirement for specific entry requirements, and otherwise a credit increment of one (1.0),

j) Mathematics – advanced, earns a credit increment of one (1.0),

k) Mathematics – specialisation B, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5), if there is only a requirement for general entry requirements or if level 2 in Mathematics or level 1 in Mathematics - continuation constitutes a requirement for specific entry requirements,

l) Mathematics – specialisation C, earns a credit increment of one half (0.5).

Applicants with final grades from adult education at upper-secondary level

9. The provisions laid down in 4, 5, 7 and 8 above also apply for applicants with final grades from adult education at upper-secondary level.

In order to calculate a grade average the aggregate course value shall be divided by the number of upper-secondary credits included in the final grades, however no less than 2,300. 
Ordinance (2024:914).

Last updated: 20 March 2025