Regulated professions – professions with specific requirements

Some professions are regulated through Swedish legislation that defines the requirements for working within that profession, e.g. a particular qualification or authorisation, or other formal recognition.

The majority of the professions that are regulated in Sweden can be found in this list. If you wish to work in any of the below professions you should contact the competent authority and apply for the right to practice that profession:

Within the EU there are rules that make it easier for EU citizens to work within regulated professions. If you are an EU citizen, the competent authorities will process your application for registration or other authorisation in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of vocational qualifications. Read more about regulated professions for EU/EEA citizens

Other regulated professions

There are also other professions that are regulated, but which are recognised in accordance with particular directives:

Lawyer: The Swedish Bar Association.

Accountants: the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors’s website.

Professions at sea and in the air: the Swedish Transport Agency’s website 

There are also professions that require you to be a Swedish citizen, e.g. within the police force and the legal system.

Last updated: 3 December 2024