Higher education institutions in Sweden
What follows is a list of higher education institutions that are officially recognised in Sweden. You will also find a list with Independent higher education providers lacking degree-awarding powers in Sweden.
The Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslersämbetet) are responsible for quality assurance in higher education and the granting of degree awarding powers.
For information, see the Swedish Higher Education AuthorityOpen in new window
Recognised higher institutions
State higher education institutions with the right to award first-, second- and third-cycle qualifications
*HEIs entitled to award third-cycle qualifications in specific research domains.
Karlstad University
Karlstad University websiteOpen in new window
Karolinska Institutet
Karolinska Institutet websiteOpen in new window
Kristianstad University
Kristianstad University websiteOpen in new window
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology websiteOpen in new window
Linköping University
Linköping University websiteOpen in new window
Linnaeus University
Linnaeus University websiteOpen in new window
Luleå University of Technology
Luleå University of Technology websiteOpen in new window
Lund University
Lund University websiteOpen in new window
Mid Sweden University
Mid Sweden University websiteOpen in new window
Örebro University
Örebro University websiteOpen in new window
Stockholm University
Stockholm University websiteOpen in new window
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences websiteOpen in new window
Umeå University
Umeå University websiteOpen in new window
University of Gothenburg
University of Gothenburg websiteOpen in new window
Uppsala University
Uppsala University websiteOpen in new window
Blekinge Institute of Technology*
Blekinge Institute of Technology websiteOpen in new window
Dalarna University*
Dalarna University websiteOpen in new window
Halmstad University*
Halmstad University websiteOpen in new window
Mälardalen University*
Mälardalen University websiteOpen in new window
Malmö University
Malmö University websiteOpen in new window
Södertörn University*
Södertörn University websiteOpen in new window
Swedish Defence University*
Swedish Defence University websiteOpen in new window
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences*
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences websiteOpen in new window
University of Borås*
University of Borås websiteOpen in new window
University of Gävle*
University of Gävle websiteOpen in new window
University of Skövde*
University of Skövde websiteOpen in new window
University West*
University West websiteOpen in new window
Stockholm University of the Arts
Stockholm University of the Arts websiteOpen in new window
Independent higher education institutions entitled to award first-, second- and third-cycle qualifications
*HEIs entitled to award third-cycle qualifications in specific research domains.
Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology websiteOpen in new window
Jönköping University*
Jönköping University websiteOpen in new window
Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm School of Economics websiteOpen in new window
Marie Cederschiöld University*
Marie Cederschiöld University (former Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College)Open in new window
Sophiahemmet University*
Sophiahemmet University College websiteOpen in new window
University College Stockholm*
University College Stockholm websiteOpen in new window
Higher education institutions entitled to award first- or first- and second-cycle qualifications
Gammelkroppa School of Forestry
Information in Swedish: www.gammelkroppa.seOpen in new window
Johannelund Theological Seminary
Johannelund School of Theology websiteOpen in new window
Newman Institute
Newman Institute websiteOpen in new window
ALT, Akademi för Ledarskap och Teologi
(former Örebro School of Theology)
Information in Swedish: ALT utbildnings websiteOpen in new window
Swedish Red Cross University College
Swedish Red Cross University College websiteOpen in new window
Private higher education institutions of arts with the right to award first cycle qualifications
Beckmans College of Design
Beckmans College of Design websiteOpen in new window
University College of Music Education in Stockholm
Stockholm University College of Music Education websiteOpen in new window
State higher education institutions of arts with the right to award first- and second-cycle qualifications
Royal College of Music in Stockholm
Royal College of Music in Stockholm websiteOpen in new window
Royal Institute of Art
Royal Institute of Art websiteOpen in new window
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
Konstfack websiteOpen in new window
Independent organisations with the right to award second-cycle degrees exclusively in the field of psychotherapy
The Erica Foundation
Erica Foundation websiteOpen in new window
Evidens AB
Information in Swedish: www.evidens4u.seOpen in new window
Scandinavia’s Academy for Psychotherapy Development
Information in Swedish: www.sapu.seOpen in new window
The Swedish Institute for CBT & Schema Therapy
Swedish Institute for CBT & Schema Therapy websiteOpen in new window
Independent higher education providers lacking degree-awarding powers
There are education providers in Sweden that lack degree-awarding powers. The qualifications offered by these institutions neither correspond to, nor comply with, any qualifications within the Swedish education system or with the Act Concerning Authority to Award Certain Qualifications (Swedish Code of Statues No 1993:792).
Independent higher education providers lacking degree-awarding powers
- The Ackermann College of Chiropractic (also known as The Ackermann Institute, Ackermann Institutet)
- Alhurra University in Sweden
- American-Scandinavian Academy (also known as Scandinavian Academy)
- Arken University in Sweden (Arkens Universitet)
- Bridge College
- Free University of Scania (FUS)
- Free University Scania (Skånes fria högskola)
- Free University of Stockholm (Stockholms fria universitet)
- FUN - Fria universitetet i Norden
- Hammersmith Management College Sweden Campus (also known as Hammersmith College Sweden; Hammersmith College Stockholm; HMC Sweden)
- The International Virtual University (also known asI.V.U.; I.V.U. Sweden)
- Livets Ord Theological Seminary (also known as Livets Ord University)
- MGruppen Svenska Managementgruppen AB
- Pre-International College Sweden Campus
- PROBANA Business School (also known as PROBANA Business School - Sverige)
- Queensway College Sweden Campus
- SACCTS Academic College (also known as Swedish Arab Center for Thought and Strategic Studies, SACTSS)
- Scandinavian International University (Skandinaviska Ledarhögskolan AB och Mental Training Sweden AB)
- Scandinavian University of Science and Technology
- School of Business and Commerce
- Swedish Academy of Electrohomepathy and Alternative Medicines, SAEHAM
- Swedish Applied Science University
- Swedish Arab Center for Thought and Strategic Studies (SACTSS) (also known as Sakedz College Academy)
For questions pertaining to institutions in Sweden claiming to offer degrees, please contact the Swedish Council for Higher Education (ENIC-NARIC Sweden) enic-naric.sverige@uhr.se.
Authorisation for private institutions in Sweden
The Swedish Government grants degree-awarding powers to private institutions. Those wishing to apply for the right to award Swedish degrees must undergo a quality assurance process and meet certain criteria. For information about the application process, please contact the Swedish Ministry of Education and ResearchOpen in new window.
Private institutions without public funding may operate legally without approval or quality assurance by the Swedish authorities. However, if they want to make their students eligible for state study grants, they must undergo a quality assurance procedure. The institutions mentioned above (Independent higher education providers lacking degree-awarding powers) do not have such approval for study grants.