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Qualification frameworks for Swedish qualifications and degrees
A qualification is a documented learning outcome and may include degrees, final grades or diplomas. Most qualifications that are regulated under Swedish legislation are included in qualifications frameworks. These provide information about what someone with a qualification at a specific level is expected to know, understand and be able to do.
There are two Swedish Qualifications frameworks: The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) and the National Qualifications Framework for higher education. The frameworks comprise levels which are comparable to the levels in the European reference frameworks, the EQF and the QF-EHEA. The aim is to facilitate recognition, comparability and cross-border mobility.
The figure shows how the levels in the Swedish qualifications frameworks relate to the levels of the European reference frameworks. The figure also shows the assigned level for legally regulated Swedish qualifications (not visible on tablet or mobile phone). Click on the figure for more information about qualifications frameworks, levels and qualifications. Not all Swedish qualifications are shown in the figure.
Also qualifications outside the formal education systems can be assigned a SeQF-level. Read more on the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education’s website.
* Please note that the Advanced Higher Vocational Education Diploma is included in EQF och SeQF level 6, but not in Bologna level 1.
About the Qualifications Frameworks
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Choose level
A qualification is a documented learning outcome in the form of knowledge, skills and competencies. Qualifications include degrees, certificates, final grades or diplomas. The figure names qualifications in the public education system where learning outcomes are regulated in the Education Act or the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (legally regulated qualifications).
For more information about:
- Qualifications at SeQF level 1, see the Education Act (2010:800).
- Qualifications at SeQF level 2, see the Education Act (2010:800).
- Qualifications at SeQF level 3, see the Education Act (2010:800).
- Qualifications at SeQF level 4, see the Upper-Secondary School Ordinance (2010:2039) and the Ordinance on Adult Education (2011:1108).
- All forms of schooling in Sweden prior to 2010, see the Education Act (1985:100).
- Qualifications at level 5, see Chapter 17a of the Education Act (2010:800) Continuing education in the form of a fourth technical year, and the Ordinance on Higher Vocational Education (2009:130).
- Qualifications at level 6, see the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100); the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1993:221), the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish Defence University (2007:1164) and the Ordinance on Higher Vocational Education (2009:130).
- Qualifications at SeQF level 7, see the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100); the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1993:221) and the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish Defence University (2007:1164).
- Qualifications at SeQF level 8, see the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100); the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1993:221) and the annex to the Ordinance for the Swedish Defence University (2007:1164).
SeQF level 1
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 1 according to Swedish legislation are listed below.
School leaving certificate (final grades) from a compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disability
- SeQF level 1.
- The education covers nine school years.
- Education is in a specific number of obligatory subjects or subject areas and an elective subject.
- Each subject or subject area must have a syllabus.
- All pupils in this target group (pupils with intellectual disability) have the right to go to an upper-secondary school for pupils with intellectual disability.
- Issued on the request of a pupil or guardian.
School leaving certificate (final grades) from a school basic education for adults with intellectual disability
- SeQF level 1.
- Education aims to provide adults with knowledge equivalent to that provided by education in compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disability.
- Education must provide knowledge and competence that aims to promote personal development and strengthen the individual’s position on the labour market and in society.
- Education must enable further study.
- Education must be based on the individual’s needs and circumstances.
SeQF level 2
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 2 according to Swedish legislation are listed below.
School leaving certificate (final grades) from compulsory school
- SeQF level 2.
- The education covers nine school years.
- Education is in a specific number of obligatory and some elective subjects.
- Each subject must have a syllabus.
- Pass grades in Swedish or Swedish as a Second Language, English, Mathematics and at least five other subjects provide eligibility for vocational programmes at upper-secondary school. Pass grades in Swedish, English, Mathematics and at least nine other subjects provide eligibility for university entrance programmes at upper-secondary school.
School leaving certificate (final grades) from a compulsory special needs school
- SeQF level 2.
- Education is for ten school years.
- Education at these special needs schools is organised by the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools and conducted at various schools.
- Education is in a specific number of obligatory and some elective subjects.
- Each subject must have a syllabus.
- Pass grades in Swedish or Swedish as a Second Language, English, Mathematics and at least five other subjects provide eligibility for vocational programmes at upper-secondary school. Pass grades in Swedish, English, Mathematics and at least nine other subjects provide eligibility for university entrance programmes at upper-secondary school.
School leaving certificate (final grades) from municipal basic adult education
- SeQF level 2.
- Education aims to provide adults with knowledge equivalent to that provided by education in compulsory school.
- Education aims to provide knowledge for participation in the labour market and in society.
- Education also aims to enable further study.
- Education must be based on the individual’s needs and circumstances.
Diploma certificate from upper-secondary school for pupils with intellectual disability
- SeQF level 2.
- Studies conducted on an individual programme or one of nine national programmes.
- The national programmes cover 2,500 upper-secondary school for pupils with intellectual disability credits over four years.
- The individual programmes cover four years of study.
- An upper-secondary school for pupils with intellectual disability project is included on the national programmes.
Upper-secondary certificate from upper-secondary adult education for adults with intellectual disability
- SeQF level 2.
- Education aims to provide adults with knowledge at a level equivalent to that provided by national programmes in upper-secondary schools for pupils with intellectual disability.
- Education must be based on the individual’s needs and circumstances.
Certification of a pass grade from a general course at compulsory school level from a folk high school
- SeQF level 2.
Grades from municipal adult education in Swedish for immigrants, course D
- SeQF level 2.
- Education must provide basic Swedish language knowledge.
- The student’s educational background affects the content of the course.
Grades from education in Swedish for immigrants, course D, or the equivalent education conducted at a folk high school
- SeQF level 2.
- Education must provide basic Swedish language knowledge.
- The student’s educational background affects the content of the course.
SeQF level 3
No qualifications at SeQF level 3.
SeQF level 4
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 4 according to Swedish legislation are listed below.
Upper Secondary Diploma (upper secondary school)
- SeQF level 4 and EQF level 4.
- 2,500 upper-secondary school credits.
- Studies conducted on one of 18 national programmes, of which six are higher education preparatory programmes and 12 are vocational programmes. Alternatively, studies may have been conducted on other vocational programmes within secondary school.
- Includes a diploma project.
- Higher education preparatory diploma provides access to higher education.
- Vocational diploma provides access to higher education provided there are pass grades (lowest E) in Swedish 2 and 3, English 6 and Mathematics 1.
Upper Secondary Diploma (municipal upper-secondary adult education)
- SeQF level 4 and EQF level 4.
- 2,400 upper-secondary school credits.
- Includes a diploma project.
- The qualification can prepare for university study or focus on the closest equivalent vocational programme.
- Higher education preparatory diploma provides access to higher education.
- Vocational diploma provides access to higher education provided there are pass grades (lowest E) in Swedish 2 and 3 and English 6.
School leaving certificate (upper-secondary school, complete programme)
- SeQF level 4 and EQF level 4.
- School leaving certificate issued from 2003 cover 2,500 upper-secondary school credits.
- Studies conducted on a national or specially designed programme.
- All programmes include the study of core subjects.
- Includes project work.
- Complete final grades from upper-secondary school provide access to higher education provided the basic entry requirements are fulfilled.
School leaving certificate (municipal upper-secondary adult education)
- SeQF level 4 and EQF level 4.
- Usually covers 2,350 upper-secondary school credits.
- All studies include the study of core subjects.
- Provides access to higher education provided the basic entry requirements are fulfilled.
- School leaving certificates issued prior to 2010 provide access to higher education provided there are pass grades in at least 90 per cent of the courses required for school leaving certificate.
Certification of a pass grade from a general course at upper-secondary school level from a folk high school
- SeQF level 4.
- Official name: Intyg för behörighet till högskolestudier och yrkeshögskolestudier – Certificate of eligibility for higher education and higher vocational education.
- Certification from a general course at upper-secondary school level from a folk high school is equivalent to the requirements for learning outcomes placed on the equivalent education at upper-secondary school.
- The qualification must be equivalent to three years of study at upper-secondary level.
- Knowledge must be equivalent to at least a pass grade in ten specific upper-secondary subjects.
- Folk high schools have no national curriculum.
- Education is based on individual needs.
SeQF level 5
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 5 according to Swedish legislation are listed below.
Upper-secondary engineering diploma
- SeQF level 5.
- Covers 900 upper-secondary school credits over 1 year.
- The qualification builds upon the upper-secondary school technology programme.
- Four national profiles.
- Each subject must have a syllabus.
- Includes a diploma project.
- The education prepares for work as an upper-secondary engineer in a chosen area of technology.
Higher Vocational Education Diploma
- SeQF level 5 and EQF level 5.
- Covers at least 200 HVE (higher vocational education) credits (at least 1 year).
- The qualification combines theoretical and practical studies in close cooperation with employers and industry and must answer the need for qualified labour on the labour market.
- Includes a final year project.
SeQF level 6
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 6 according to Swedish legislation are listed below (including higher education qualifications at Bologna level 1).
Degree of Bachelor
- Bologna level 1 (Swedish grundnivå, first cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 6 and EQF level 6.
- Covers 180 credits (3 year)/180 ECTS.
- Has a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself of which 90 credits are for progressively specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the programme.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- Provides access to programmes for a Degree of Master (60 or 120 credits).
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts is also at this level.
Higher Education Diploma
- Bologna level 1 (Swedish grundnivå, first cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 6 and EQF level 6.
- Covers 120 credits (2 years)/120 ECTS.
- Has a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- Provides access to continued studies at Swedish grundnivå, first cycle/Bologna level 1 (decisions on credit transfer are made by the higher education institution).
Higher Education Diploma in Fine Arts is also at this level.
Professional qualifications (in higher education)
- Bologna level 1 (Swedish grundnivå, first cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 6 and EQF level 6.
- Usually cover 180 or 210 credits (3-3.5 years)/180 or 210 ECTS.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- The qualification Education has a clear link to a specific professional field.
- Examples: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dietetics.
Advanced Higher Vocational Education Diploma
- SeQF level 6 and EQF level 6.
- Covers at least 400 HVE (higher vocational education) credits (at least 2 years).
- The qualification combines theoretical and practical studies in close cooperation with employers and industry and prepares for the labour market. At least 25 per cent is Work-Based Learning.
- Includes a final year project.
SeQF level 7
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 7 according to Swedish legislation are listed below (higher education qualifications at Bologna level 2).
Degree of Master (120 credits)
- Bologna level 2 (Swedish avancerad nivå, second cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 7 and EQF level 7.
- Covers 120 credits (2 years)/120 ECTS.
- Has a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 60 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- Provides access to third cycle study (doctoral studies).
- The degree programme builds upon a previous degree worth at least 180 credits.
Degree of Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) is at the same level.
Degree of Master (60 credits)
- Bologna level 2 (Swedish avancerad nivå, second cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 7 and EQF level 7.
- Covers 60 credits (1 year)/60 ECTS.
- Has a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 30 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- Provides access to third cycle study (doctoral studies).
- The degree programme builds upon a previous degree worth at least 180 credits.
Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) is at the same level.
Professional qualifications (in higher education)
- Bologna level 2 (Swedish avancerad nivå, second cycle in higher education).
- SeQF level 7 and EQF level 7.
- Covers 240 - 330 credits (4-5.5 years)/240 – 330 ECTS.
- Postgraduate diploma/second-cycle courses and study programmes covering 60 – 90 credits (1 – 1.5 years)/60 – 90 ECTS.
- Includes an independent project (degree project).
- The qualification has a clear link to a specific professional field.
- Examples: Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Degree of Master of Science in Medicine.
- Examples of second-cycle courses and study programmes covering 60 – 90 credits: Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training and Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery.
- Postgraduate diplomas/second-cycle courses and study programmes covering 60 – 90 credits require a previous degree at first cycle level in a specific field.
SeQF level 8
All the qualifications that are placed at SeQF level 8 according to Swedish legislation are listed below (higher education qualifications at Bologna level 3).
Degree of Doctor
- Bologna level 3 (Swedish forskarnivå, third cycle).
- SeQF level 8 and EQF level 8.
- Covers 240 credits (4 year)/240 ECTS.
- Includes a research thesis (doctoral thesis).
- The qualification builds upon previous degrees worth at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be from the second cycle.
Degree of Licentiate
- Bologna level 3 (Swedish forskarnivå, third cycle).
- SeQF level 8 and EQF level 8.
- Covers 120 credits (2 years)/120 ECTS.
- Includes a research thesis.
- The qualification builds upon previous degrees worth at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be from the second cycle.
SeQF - Swedish National Qualifications Framework
Sweden has had a national framework for qualifications for lifelong learning (SeQF) since 2015. The SeQF is based on a shared European framework for qualifications, the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), which many countries are part of. The SeQF was referenced to the European qualifications framework (EQF) in June 2016. Like the EQF, the SeQF has eight levels.
These levels are described in the form of learning outcomes that must be achieved at a particular level. The descriptions are broad and general enough to fit many different types of qualifications. The qualifications shown in the figure are legally regulated in Sweden and issued after formal education (e.g. Swedish upper-secondary school) and as such they have an assigned level in the SeQF.
The intention of the SeQF is to increase clarity about the level of a qualification and what someone with a specific qualification is expected to know, understand and be able to do within various forms of education and sectors, in Sweden and internationally. For international comparisons, the EQF is the key for comparisons with other countries’ frameworks and qualifications. See the European Commission’s website for comparisons (not all European countries and not all qualifications per country are on the website).
The SeQF is an open framework. This means it also includes qualifications that are not legally regulated, but which demonstrate learning outcomes from outside the public education system, e.g. continuing professional development. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is responsible for assessing these qualifications and placing them in the SeQF when education providers apply for this.
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is responsible for the Swedish Qualifications Framework.
See the Ordinance on frameworks for qualifications for lifelong learning (2015:545).
SeQF on the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education website.
Level 1
Can demonstrate: basic general knowledge within a field of work or study, understanding the essentials of simple instructions and descriptions in a field of work or study.
Can: perform routine tasks in a field of work or study, follow simple instructions and descriptions in a field of work or study.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: under leadership perform simple tasks and cooperate with others.
Level 2
Can demonstrate: broadened knowledge in field of work or study, knows how to collect, compile and present facts.
Can: apply specified rules, methods and tools for performing allocated tasks, follow instructions and descriptions in a field of work or study, search for and process facts in several fields of work or study.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: perform work or studies with some autonomy and take responsibility for simple tasks, cooperate under supervision and participate in producing shared results, evaluate how their own tasks were performed.
Level 3
Can demonstrate: the knowledge required to accomplish tasks within a field of work or study, knowledge of different working methods for collecting, systematising and presenting information.
Can: select and use information using specified methods, tools and materials, perform tasks autonomously and in a group within given timeframes, autonomously search for and process information, communicate experience and knowledge in their own language.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: take responsibility for their learning and that allocated tasks are completed, assess their own and common results, assess information from different sources.
Level 4
Can demonstrate: depth of knowledge within a field of work or study, knowledge of models and methods in a field of work or study.
Can: select and use relevant concepts, theories, models, materials, tools and methods in a field of work or study, follow instructions and perform defined practical and theoretical tasks within given timeframes, communicate in at least one foreign language within the current field of work or study.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: take initiative, reflect on, organise and conduct work and studies in an autonomous manner, autonomously process the content of a field of work or study that may lead to further learning and professional development, critically review and independently assess a choice of sources, assess and draw conclusions from their own and shared results, take responsibility when cooperating with others and, to a limited extent, lead and assess the work of others.
Level 5
Can demonstrate: specialised knowledge in field of work or study, knowledge and an overview of fields surrounding their own field of work or study, knowledge of work processes and quality criteria within a field of work or study.
Can: plan, conduct and identify resources for conducting specialised tasks, solve abstract problems in a field of work or study, communicate commitments and solutions in a field of work or study in at least one foreign language.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: independently treat the content of a field of work or study that leads to further learning and professional development, supervise work or study activities and complete existing projects.
Level 6
Can demonstrate: advanced knowledge in a field of work or study’s main area, insight into the field’s established methods for knowledge development, in-depth knowledge in part of the field and can navigate current research and development issues in the field.
Can: identify, formulate, analyse and solve problems and perform complex tasks, communicate commitments and solutions in the field of work or study in national and international contexts.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: assess information and methods in the field of work or study with consideration for the relevant social, ethical and scholarly aspects, apply specialised knowledge for development in a field of work or study, take responsibility for leading the development of individuals and groups in this work.
Level 7
Can demonstrate: very advanced knowledge of a field of work or study, in-depth knowledge of research and development methods in the field, deep insight into current research and development issues in the field.
Can: participate in research and development work, identify and formulate problem statements, analyse, assess and solve sophisticated and complex tasks, communicate the knowledge base and conclusions associated with the research or field in national and international contexts.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: assess a field of work or study’s information, facts and methods with regards to relevant aspects, identify the need for further knowledge, assess the opportunities and limitations of a field, take responsibility for leading their own field of work or study, take responsibility for the results of their own research or development work.
Level 8
Can demonstrate: the most sophisticated and systematic knowledge in a field of work, study or research, up to date specialist knowledge within a well-defined subfield and overview of surrounding fields, mastery of methods for knowledge development in general and methods in the specific field of work, study or research in particular.
Can: analyse, synthesise and critically review and assess complex phenomena, conceptions and situations, plan and conduct development or research work and other high-level tasks, communicate the results of development and research in national and international contexts.
Responsibility and autonomy
Can: evaluate the field of work or study’s research or development work, create and select your own research /innovation / development tasks, assess the opportunities and limitations of high-quality development work or science, take responsibility for how the results of development or research are used, take responsibility for or lead professional and organisational development.
EQF - European qualifications framework
Official name: EQF-LLL (European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning)
The EU has adopted two recommendations for the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF), in 2008 and 2017. The EQF saw the introduction of a shared, neutral framework with eight levels that function as a tool for comparing different national qualifications systems and their levels. The basic idea of the EQF is to make it easier for individuals, employers and education providers to understand the level of a qualification, which makes it easier for anyone who wishes to change jobs or start studying in Sweden or in another EU member state. The purpose is to promote mobility on the labour market and between countries, as well as lifelong learning. The levels of the EQF are described in the form of learning outcomes that must have been achieved at a particular level and are divided into three categories: knowledge, skills and “responsibility and autonomy“. The descriptions are broad and general enough to fit many different types of qualifications. Description of the eight EQF levels on the website of the European Commission.
The EQF enables the comparison of different national frameworks and qualifications. As the national frameworks (e.g. Sweden’s SeQF) refer to the eight levels of the EQF, the level of each country’s qualifications can be understood and compared. Because the SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF, level 6 of the SeQF is equivalent to level 6 of the EQF. See the European Commission’s website for comparisons (not all European countries and not all qualifications per country are on the website).
At an international level, there is agreement that EQF levels 6-8 correspond to Bologna levels 1-3. However, the EQF is a broader and more open framework than the Bologna framework, which only includes higher education qualifications.
Level 1
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 1 is EQF 1.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 1 can be found on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 2
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 2 is EQF 2.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 2 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 3
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 3 is EQF 3.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 3 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 4
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 4 is EQF 4.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 4 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 5
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 5 is EQF 5.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 5 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 6
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 6 is EQF 6.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 6 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 7
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 7 is EQF 7.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 7 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Level 8
The Swedish National Qualifications Framework (SeQF) has been referenced to the EQF to facilitate the comparison of qualifications between countries. The SeQF has the same number of levels as the EQF and the equivalent of SeQF 8 is EQF 8.
The EQF functions as a comparison key. See the European Commission website for comparisons (the content is not complete).
Descriptions of the learning outcomes that must be achieved for EQF 8 are on the European Commission’s website: Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The Bologna Framework - Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area
Official name: QF-EHEA (Qualifications Framework - European Higher Education Area).
The Bologna framework (QF-EHEA) is a shared European framework for higher education. The Bologna Declaration was signed by 29 European states in 1999 (the Bologna Process). Over 48 countries have now signed and the cooperation has resulted in a European higher education area (EHEA): European Higher Education Area, EHEA:s website.
One of the aims of the Bologna Process is to promote mobility through the introduction of a system with clear and comparable qualifications. Countries have therefore adapted their education systems so that higher education qualifications are at three different levels. Internationally, this structure is best understood as Bachelor, Master and Doctor. The levels are described using learning outcomes that must be achieved for a particular level, making it easier for countries to recognise each other’s qualifications. The levels of the Bologna framework (QF-EHEA) have equivalents in the levels of the EQF and SeQF that are shown in the figure, but the Bologna framework creates a clearer and more comprehensive structure for higher education qualifications.
The Swedish higher education system and system of qualifications are adapted to the Bologna framework due to changes made in 2007 to the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) and Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), which are described in a report – Certification of Sweden’s national qualification framework (pdf).
- The Swedish equivalent of Bologna level 1 (first cycle/Bachelor) is grundnivå.
- The Swedish equivalent of Bologna level 2 (second cycle/Master) is avancerad nivå.
- The Swedish equivalent of Bologna level 3 (third cycle/Doctor) is forskarnivå.
The levels are usually called cycles, because they also say something about the length or scope of the studies, and a progression that prepares the student for the next level. The figure shows the level of the qualification received at the end the studies, i.e. the level of the learning outcomes at the end of the studies. A qualification at a particular Bologna level is intended as preparation for studies at the next Bologna level (however, there are exceptions and supplementary study may be required).
Level 1 - Swedish first cycle
Bologna level 1 is the first level in a three-part European structure for higher education. The Swedish equivalent of Level 1 (first cycle) is "grundnivå", which is primarily associated internationally with “Bachelor”.
In Sweden, the Higher Education Diploma, Degree of Bachelor, Higher Education Diploma in Fine Arts, Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts and some professional qualifications are at this level. First-cycle courses and study programmes shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by pupils in national study programmes in the upper-secondary schools or its equivalent.
Level description for the first cycle (Section 8, Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act)
First-cycle courses and study programmes shall develop:
- the ability of students to make independent and critical assessments
- the ability of students to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously, and
- the preparedness of students to deal with changes in working life.
In addition to knowledge and skills in their field of study, students shall develop the ability to:
- gather and interpret information at a scholarly level
- stay abreast of the development of knowledge and
- communicate their knowledge to others, including those who lack specialist knowledge in the field.
For information about all qualifications and a description of the national intended learning outcomes, please refer to the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education ordinance (1993:100).
Level 2 - Swedish second cycle
Bologna level 2 is the second level in a three-part European structure for higher education. The Swedish equivalent of Level 2 (second cycle) is "avancerad nivå" in higher education, which is primarily associated internationally with “Master”.
In Sweden, the Degree of Master (60 credits) and Degree of Master (120 credits), as well as the Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) and Degree of Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) and a number of professional qualifications, are at this level.
Level description for the second cycle (Section 9, Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act)
Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by students during first-cycle courses and study programmes, or its equivalent. Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall:
- further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of their knowledge
- develop the students' ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations and
- develop the students' potential for professional activities that demand considerable autonomy, or for research and development work.
For information about all qualifications and a description of the national intended learning outcomes, please refer to the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education ordinance (1993:100).
Level 3 - Swedish third cycle
Bologna level 3 is the third level in a three-part European structure for higher education. The Swedish equivalent of Level 3 (third cycle) is "forskarnivå" in higher education, which is primarily associated internationally with "Doctor" or "PhD".
In Sweden, the Degree of Licentiate and Degree of Doctor are at this level.
Level description for the third cycle (Section 9a, Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act)
Third-cycle courses and study programmes shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by students in first and second-cycle courses and study programmes, or its equivalent.
In addition to the requirements for first and second-cycle courses and study programmes, third-cycle courses and study programmes shall develop the knowledge and skills required to be able to undertake autonomous research.
For information about all qualifications and a description of the national intended learning outcomes, please refer to the Qualifications Ordinance, Annex 2 of the Higher Education ordinance (1993:100).