
Here you will find information on how to apply for an evaluation, what happens when you submit your application and the importance of providing correct information. The application is a web form.

Instruction to application

To apply for an assessment, start by logging in with your eID

If you don’t have an eID, you can submit your application using your email address. You don´t need a Swedish personal identity number to apply. The only difference is you won’t be able to save your application and continue with it later. Start by clicking ‘I want to apply without logging in’.

When you write your birth date or Swedish personal identity number, do not write 19 (or 20) in the beginning. For example: 880411-xxxx.

First, provide your personal data and contact information.

In this step, you may need to provide supporting documentation in order to document your right to apply for an evaluation (either you log in with eID or upload for example a population registration certificate (personbevis)) or if you’ve changed your name.

Always scan your documents in PDF format.

If you’ve logged in using eID, you can save your application at any time and continue later, if you’d like.

Otherwise, continue to Step 2 – My Qualifications.

After you’ve entered your country of study and education level, you’ll be presented with a form where you provide information about your qualification.

Under the heading ’Education documents’ you can see what documents you need to submit for your country of study and your qualification.
This is where you upload your documents about the education, such as diplomas and transcript of records.

Click on ’Add this qualification’, to place the education under ’My qualifications’. If you have another qualification you’d like assessed – for example if you have an upper secondary diploma AND a higher education degree – you should fill in the form for each and add both of them.

When you’re finished adding your qualifications, click on ’Step 3 – Review and Submit’ to check the information you’ve provided. Before you can proceed, you must click in the box to certify that the information you have provided is correct. Then you can submit your application.

In order to submit your application, you must certify that you’ve submitted correct, true information.

It is UHR’s policy to file a report with the police if it’s discovered that a document has been falsified.

  • Confirmation email:
    After you’ve submitted your application, you’ll receive a confirmation email to your email address. It will include an attached letter with additional information and your application number. Save this email.
  • Additional information may be required:
    During the assessment process, UHR may find that you need to submit additional documents. If this is the case, you’ll receive an email requesting that you log in to ‘My pages’ and find out what documents are required.
  • Follow your application:
    On ’My pages’, you can follow the steps that are taken in the processing of your case. It will take between 2 and 5 months for you to receive a recognition statement.
  • Digital recognition statement:
    If UHR can recognise your qualification, we’ll send a digital recognition statement to your email address. Find out more about the recognition statement.
  • Provide correct information:
    It’s important to provide accurate information when you submit your application. By signing the application, you certify that you have done so. Submitting forged educational documents to UHR is a criminal offense. If we suspect that your documents are forged, we may contact the issuing authority in the country where you studied. If we receive confirmation that the documents are indeed forged, we will file a police report.

What constitutes forgery?

UHR considers forgery to be an imitation of an educational document with the intent to make it appear identical to the original. We distinguish between three types of forgeries:

  • Complete forgery: The entire educational document is falsified (e.g., a fake diploma).
  • Partial forgery: A part of a genuine educational document has been altered or manipulated (e.g., changing a letter grade from a “D” to an “A”).
  • Documents obtained inappropriately or illegally: This includes stolen blank educational documents acquired through unlawful means.

To handle your application for assessment, UHR needs to process your personal data. UHR is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and the supplementary provisions of the Data Protection Act (2018:218).

Why we process personal data

UHR evaluates foreign qualifications to facilitate individuals applying for higher education or seeking employment. This task is outlined in our instructions (Sections 5-6 of Regulation 2012:811) for the Swedish Council for Higher Education. Processing personal data is necessary for us to handle your application.

Legal basis for handling personal data

The legal basis for processing personal data in the assessment of foreign education is that it is necessary to perform a task of public interest (Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation and Chapter 2, Section 2 of the Data Protection Act).

Recipients of data

Only UHR staff members are recipients of this data. However, to verify your information, we may need to contact a school where you previously studied and the responsible authority in the country where you obtained your education.

Transfer of data to countries outside the EU

Data may be transferred to countries outside the EU if necessary to verify the information you provided in your application.

Archiving and retention (storage period)

As a government agency, UHR is obligated to follow archival regulations. Generally, public records must be preserved. To dispose of public records, approval from the National Archives is required. The specific rules for each individual register are outlined in our archival documentation.

Applicants’ right to information

  • Right to information: You have the right to know what personal data we hold about you and how we process it.
  • Right to request correction: You also have the right to request correction— for example, to rectify incorrect information about you or complete incomplete details. Due to archival regulations, we cannot delete information about you unless there is specific authorization for disposal.
  • Right to lodge complaints with the supervisory authority: If you are dissatisfied with how we handle your personal data, you can always contact the supervisory authority (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) with your complaints.

Everything you submit becomes a public record

Any information you submit to us becomes a public record, which can be requested by the public and the media.

If someone requests access to the data, we conduct a confidentiality assessment to determine whether the information should be classified as confidential. We then decide whether the data can be disclosed, either in full or in part.

UHR’s Data Protection Officer

Feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at if you have any questions about how we handle personal data1.

Apply for evaluation

When you make an application for a recognition of your qualifications, you certify that you provide truthful information.

Application for foreign qualification assessment – web form

If you have protected identity and therefore not can use our web application, you should use our application form.

Do you have questions?

Use our FAQ to get answers to your questions. If you cannot find your question, welcome to contact us.

Commonly asked questions and their answers on the FAQ.

Contact us about recognition

Last updated: 21 February 2025