How to apply for an evaluation

You can apply for a recognition statement regarding your education through our web application for assessment of foreign education. Here you will find everything you need to keep track of before applying, which documents you need to send with your application, how the application process works and how we assess the application.

Process description of the online application for an evaluation and recognition.

The recognition statement is a digital document that shows how UHR has evaluated what your foreign education corresponds to in the Swedish educational system. You can then use the statement when, for example, you apply for work. It does not provide a Swedish qualification. The recognition statement is free of charge.

Before you apply

Before you submit an application for recognition statement, you need to be aware of certain things. Such as what we evaluate and what we don´t, when you need a recognition statement, requirements for applying, how long the processing time is, and more.

We evaluate completed foreign educations at the levels

  • upper secondary education (that provides entry to higher education)
  • post-secondary vocational education (at least one year of full-time studies)
  • higher education.

We do not evaluate preparatory years, preparatory university tests or language tests, post-secondary vocational training that does not lead to a recognized degree or that is shorter than one year.

Other authorities are responsible for evaluating education and training leading to professions that are regulated in Sweden.

A recognition statement does not mean that you will receive a Swedish degree but is a comparison with the corresponding Swedish education.

A recognition statement can show the Swedish equivalent of your qualification. This can be helpful for employers, for example, as it helps them understand your qualifications better when you apply for jobs. A recognition statement of your Upper Secondary education can help you to plan future studies.

If you want to study in Sweden, you apply directly at You do not need a recognitions statement to apply for university studies as your qualifications are assessed in the admission process.

An evaluation from us is not compulsory to apply for jobs, apply for certification in a regulated profession or to apply to higher education.

You can apply for a recognition statement of your qualifications if you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country or have a residence permit, work permit or valid LMA card in Sweden. If you are in Sweden awaiting a decision by the Swedish Migration Board, please submit a copy of the email confirming that your application has been received.

The following documents can be submitted in order to document your right to apply for an evaluation:

  • Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) – log in with your Bank ID or submit a population registration certificate (personbevis), Swedish driver's licence, or Swedish identity card. You can order a population registration certificate from the Swedish Tax Authority

  • EU/EES citizen - submit a copy of your passport or national identification card. Your passport copy must contain the page with your name and other personal data.

  • Citizen of a country outside the EU/EES – submit a copy of your passport AND documentation of one of the following:
    1. Swedish residence permit, work permit or valid LMA card. If you’re currently in Sweden and waiting for a decision, please submit confirmation from the Swedish Migration Agency that they have received your application.
    2. Family member of an EU citizen – submit a copy of your residence card or certification of right of residence from the Swedish Migration Agency.
    3. Long-term resident of an EU country – You may have the right to a residence permit in Sweden. Find out more at the Swedish Migration Agency's website.

If you live outside EU/EES and do not live up to claim 1-3 you can not apply for a recognition statement.

When you apply for a statement, you fill in information and upload documents for the education(s) for which you want an evaluation.

If you have several educations that you want to have evaluated – for example, an upper secondary education and a higher education – you indicate this in your application and upload documents for each education, first one and then the other. When everything is uploaded and filled in, you submit your application.

The average waiting period to get a recognition statement is approximately 2-4 months. We will start processing your application only when it is complete with all the documents needed.

Do you have questions?

Use our FAQ to get answers to your questions. If you cannot find your question, welcome to contact us.

Commonly asked questions and their answers on the FAQ.

Contact us about recognition.

Last updated: 21 February 2025