The recognition process and statement

Our recognition process

Our evaluations of foreign qualifications are based on submitted study documents that show that the qualification has been completed. We evaluate qualifications on upper secondary, post-secondary vocational and higher education level.

The procedure of recognising foreign educations is based on the Lisbon Recognition Convention. The "recognition" in question means that a foreign education must be recognised unless the recognising authority can demonstrate that the education is substantially different from a corresponding exams in the host country.

More about the recognition process

The recognition statement

The recognition statement confirms that a person has a completed foreign qualification, and explains the Swedish qualification and educational level for which it is comparable to. The recognition statement is only issued in Swedish.

The recognition statement shows what the foreign qualification is equivalent to in the Swedish educational system. It does not, however, provide a Swedish qualification. The recognition statement is issued as an electronic document with digital certification, not as a paper product. If you have recieved a recognition statement as a paper product earlier, that is still valid.

If the qualification is substantially different from the Swedish qualification, you might receive an explanatory letter instead. We explain the reasons and, if possible, refer you to other public authorities and organisations.

Last updated: 12 June 2024