Webbinarier för vägledare i Norden och Baltikum

Under rubriken 'Career Guidance up North – join Euroguidance webinars on hot topics', lanserar de nordiska och baltiska Euroguidance-centren en serie kostnadsfria webbinarier för vägledare i regionens åtta länder.

Information om respektive webbinarium, anmälan och länkar för deltagande publiceras löpande. Lägg gärna in tiderna för de pass du är intresserad av redan nu i din kalender.

Webinar: Career Development Practices from the Capabilities Perspective on Social Justice


October 16, 14:00-16:00 CET (13:00-15:00 GMT; 15:00-17:00 EET)


Training is provided by Euroguidance Estonia and Latvia in cooperation with the Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance centres.


Social justice is an often heard, but somewhat abstract concept in the context of career guidance. French Canadian trainers France Picard, Michel Turcotte, Simon Viviers, Patricia Dionne will walk you through the Capability Model of Amartya Sen to help you reflect on what social justice means for you in the context of your reality. They will also help you find actionable steps to implement social justice in your professional practice.

The webinar is based on an article published in the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for practice (CERIC 2019).

Please join your Nordic and Baltic colleagues in this interactive live online training event!  


The webinar will be in English.


You are welcome to register by October 9 by completing the form.

Career Development Practices from the Capabilities Perspective of Social Justice (external website)

Webinar: How to use AI in career guidance

When? November 6, 10:00-11:15 CET
Organizers: Euroguidance in Norway and Lithuania

Webinar: Career education in the Nordic countries

When? January 24, 10:00-11:00
Organizers: Euroguidance in Finland and Iceland

Webinar: The five dimensions of environmentally sustainable career guidance

When? February 18, 14:00-15:15
Organizers: Euroguidance in Denmark and Sweden

Senast uppdaterad: 25 september 2024