About Plint – Platform for Internationalisation

Plint is a collaborative platform that uses cooperation and dialogue to facilitate the higher education institutions’ work on internationalisation.

The increased internationalisation of higher education, research, and innovation strengthens Sweden as a knowledge nation and enhances its competitiveness. Against this background, the government assigned five public agencies the task of forming a collaborative platform that will use cooperation and dialogue to facilitate the higher education institutions’ work on internationalisation. This collaboration, the Platform for Internationalisation (Plint), started in the spring of 2022.
The five public agencies represent areas related to higher education, research, and innovation, and are:
  • the Swedish Council for Higher Education
  • the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
  • the Swedish Higher Education Authority
  • the Swedish Institute
  • the Swedish Research Council

A resource for finding solutions and exchanging knowledge

The agencies’ areas of operation and contact networks allow Plint to rest on a broad knowledge base, so it can serve as a resource for higher education institutions and assist them with:
  • identifying obstacles, raising policy issues and solving common problems,

  • listening and sharing work methods, knowledge and insights,

  • offering a knowledge hub for universities and university colleges that have questions about the internationalisation in higher education, research and innovation.
“The platform’s purpose is to create conditions that are conducive to higher education institutions’ engagement with internationalisation,” says Eino Örnfeldt, director-general of the Council for Higher Education. “There are many shared challenges in higher education, and active international collaboration is important for each institution and for Swedish society as a whole.”


Plint consists of a steering group and a secretariat.


The Swedish Council for Higher Education coordinates the secretariat and is the host agency.

For more information

Please contact the platform’s secretariat: plint@uhr.se

Senast uppdaterad: 22 juli 2024