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- Projektet “Development of methods of physical activity for children with functional disabilities” vinner årets Aurorapris ,
Projektet “Development of methods of physical activity for children with functional disabilities” vinner årets Aurorapris
31 oktober 2024
Development of methods of physical activity for children with functional disabilities är en kombination av lärarutbyte och samarbetsprojekt mellan Lettland, Litauen och Estland om inkludering.

Fokus för projektet har varit att hitta metoder för att motivera och inspirera elever med funktionsvariationer att bli mer aktiva till exempel inom idrottsundervisning.
Projektets tydliga och väldefinierade mål har lett till ett tydligt resultat i en digital metodbok om aktiviteter för barn med funktionsvariationer som lärare inom det arbetsområdet kan använda. Under besöken delade deltagarna erfarenheter och bästa praxis. Projektet genomförde också en framgångsrik konferens.
Projektet koordinerades av Riga 5th Elementary School - Development Center (LV-r5sips) i Lettland.
(In English below)
Om Nordplus Junior Aurora Award
Nordplus Junior Aurora Award instiftades 2022 i syfte att hitta och lyfta goda resultat från Nordplus juniorprojekt och fira framgångar för elever, lärare, förskolor, skolor och andra organisationer. Priset delas ut årligen till ett projekt som lyst extra starkt under året.
The project “Development of methods of physical activity for children with functional disabilities” receives the Nordplus Junior Aurora prize in 2024
Development of methods of physical activity for children with functional disabilities is a combination of teachers' exchange and collaboration project between Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on inclusion. Focus of the project has been finding methods to motivate and inspire students with functional variations to be more active for example in sports education.
The project’s clear and well-defined goal has led to a distinct result in a digital book of methods on activities for children with functional variations that teachers in that field of work can use. During the visits participants shared experiences and best practices. The project also implemented a successful conference.
The project was coordinated by Riga 5th Elementary School - Development Center (LV-r5sips) in Latvia.
About Nordplus Junior Aurora Award
The Nordplus Junior Aurora Award was established in 2022 with the aim of finding and promoting good results from Nordplus junior projects and celebrating the successes of students, teachers, preschools, schools, and other organisations. The prize is awarded annually to a project that shined extra brightly during the year.